Showing posts with label Book Sneeze Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Sneeze Review. Show all posts

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Book Sneeze Review: What In The World Is Going On? By Dr. David Jeremiah

Clearly this book was written to believers in Christ as the subtitle educates the reader regarding 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford To Ignore. Someone without a spiritual foundation in place may be blinded to the prophecy and promises presented (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Dr. David Jeremiah includes the non-believer with a challenge to salvation beginning in Chapter Three and three times thereafter warnings are given to the reader to "get right with God" before it is too late. For the reader who studies the Bible and seeks historical signs of the last days he/she will appreciate the author's weaving of Old and New Testament into the culmination of Prophecy that is Revelations. The author explains in vivid detail with Scripture references throughout.

On page 19, I especially appreciated the explanation of the importance of Israel becoming a Jewish state in 1948. This historical timeline was explained by author Milton B. Lindberg, "Without the existence of the nation of Israel, we would not be able to say with certainty that we are in the last days. That single event, more than any other, is the most prominent sign that we are living in the final moments before the coming of Jesus! The Hebrew People have been called God's timepiece of the ages."

In Chapter One, Dr. Jeremiah answered the questions, "Why is Israel so important? What does all this mean to me?"  I quote, "Let's return to the questions we posed at the beginning of this chapter. Why has this tiny nation with a population of less than six million become the geopolitical center of the world? Why is a fledgling country with a total land space hardly larger than New Jersey mentioned in the nightly news more than any other nation except the United States? Or, to sum it up, why is Israel so important? I hope this chapter has helped you answer that question. Israel is important because the fulfillment of God's covenant with its founder, Abraham, greatly affects every one of us. We have shown why it's important for our nation to continue to support and protect Israel. Nations who befriend Israel will be blessed; those that do not will be cursed."

I learned on page 28 & 31 that the US is number one in oil consumption as of 2007. However, the US is 11th in oil reserves. Do the math and you learn why the Middle East is rich in oil and why the US depends on the countries in the Middle East more than we may like to admit. Oil!

Also amazing to learn of OT prophesies and the story of Daniel interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, the rebirth of the Roman Empire and how Islam came to be. Dr. David Jeremiah is an anointed teacher and this book was not only educational but fascinating as at times it was quite a meal, but then the next chapter he would segue into a slightly different topic though all chapters hammered home the truth that we can see the signs of the times as outlined in Matthew 24:1-31 specifically.

I don't recall hearing both views (pre-trib, post-trib). I clearly enjoyed the details of pre-tribulation, which I personally believe to be the right take on the Rapture.  People beware - Fatah is for all followers of Allah and Fatah is coming home to roost in every country!!

I come away with a much better understanding of what the Koran is and who created it, as well as the clear deceptive teachings about Allah - who is clearly not the One, True God of the Bible. Allah was named after a moon god. For when God introduced himself to Moses, He gave His name YHWH-Jehovah.

On page 90 & 91 Hal Lindsey explains, "The doctrine of Satan is that all religions are equally valid, that all paths lead to God, that God is impersonal, unknowable, and it is therefore irrelevant to Him what we call Him or how we worship Him. If Allah and God are one and the same, then wouldn't the worship of the Hindu chief gods, Vishnu and Shiva, also be the worship of Allah and God, only by a different name? Pretty soon, everybody is God....Which is the same as saying that nobody is."

Lastly, I appreciated the Albanian tradition of folding their napkin and realizing that Jesus also did the same in the tomb when he folded his grave clothes. I so enjoyed that story on page 213.

There is so much more I could share about this special work by Dr. David Jeremiah. He has an obvious love for his reader, saved and seeker alike. I find it hard for someone to finish reading this book if they did not truly have an understanding of God, His Word and prophecy. However, Dr. Jeremiah does what he is called to do - teach and preach the Gospel. His repeated calls to salvation reinforced his calling and was not missed by me. The last call of four was on page 117. He must have included that call to salvation to bless the person that perservered....

Buyer beware this book is a meal and then some. However, if eaten in portions and digested slowly, you will be grateful you ate it. Believers need not be confused or fearful for the future. For if you face the future with God, you will know who wins the battle and who is thrown into the Lake of Fire. Dr. David Jeremiah helps us understand and helps us to make the choice whether to be burned or to be blessed. We must choose as we come closer to the return of Christ. We must be prepared to answer the question posed often these days, "What In The World Is Going On?". Dr. Jeremiah equips us to answer this question with Scripture, facts and prophetic explanations. This is a book you may not want to lend to your friend for you will no doubt scribble, highlight and refer back to it often. It is a precious reference book. Buy your friend his/her own book. He/she may need it after the Rapture.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Book Sneeze Review: Outlive Your Life By Max Lucado

Outlive Your Life: You Were Made To Make A Difference by Max Lucado
5 of 5 Stars Awarded

In Mr. Lucado's words, this book is a "call to compassion". So if you want none of that, this book is not for you! 100% of the royalties from this book will benefit children and families through World Vision and other charities as described on Mr. Lucado's website. These royalties will be used to create healthy, sustainable communities in Northern Uganda.

This book is aimed at reaching the "Average Joe" true believer who may question if God can use him/her to advance the Kingdom. One criticism I did have in reading the inside front dust cover was that Max was calling all blue collar workers to the mat. That's admirable, but living in SE Florida, we do roll up our sleeves and do ministry with the very richest of the rich believers. So I felt his calling all blue collar workers verbiage was a slight affront to the Solomons of our day who are in their best servant/slave years serving God whether in our community or abroad.

The theme verse in this book clearly was Ephesians 2:10. Now how can one argue with that?!

In Chapter One page six (second paragraph) the statistics were astounding! I quote, "And we have enough bedrooms to house the orphans. Here's the math. There are 145 million orphans worldwide. Nearly 236 million people in the United States call themselves Christians. From a purely statistical standpoint, American Christians by themselves have the wherewithal to house every orphan in the world.

Of course, many people are not in a position to do so. They are elderly, infirm, unemployed, or simply feel no call to adopt. Yet what if a small percentage of them did? Hmmmm, let's say 6 percent. If so, we could provide loving homes for more than 14.1 million children in sub-Saharan Africa who have been orphaned by the AIDS epidemic. Among the noble causes of the church, how does that one sound? "American Christians Stand Up for AIDS Orphans." Wouldn't that headline be a welcome one?"

Chapter Four is so humorous! His account of men shopping entitled "Clueless Husband Shopping Squad" kept me in stitches! Also humorous was the fictionally depicted (but factually accurate for the most part) account of Ananias & Sapphira. I actually learned alot from this account as I went into my Bible and read the NIV account. I appreciated reading the account in a format akin to the Message Bible version but in the author's own words - which by the way - I  do enjoy his writing style! He is pithy in his approach but packs a punch often as he appeals to the common man and woman as he relates to them in a casual yet direct manner.

Immediately preceding each chapter, I appreciated a Scripture verse and a prayer from the author. This style was similar to a daily devotion which would really appeal to those too busy to read several chapters at one sitting. His prayers were heartfelt and prayed in simple terms which often caused me to become teary-eyed. Most were about being humble servants before the Lord. Inspiring for sure! Mr. Lucado included an invitation to salvation for the reader in the first third of the book. Applause for this inclusion so early on in the book.

The author's discussion of hypocrisy was eye-opening. If you are searching on you must search inside the book and check out page 92!

Here is a portion, "To do a good thing is a good thing. To do good to be seen is not. In fact, to do good to be seen is a serious offense. Here's why. Hypocrisy turns people away from God. When God-hungry souls walk into a congregation of wannabe superstars, what happens? When God-seekers see singers strut like Las Vegas entertainers... when they hear the preacher - a man of slick words, dress, and hair - play to the crowd and exclude God...when other attendees dress to be seen and make much to-do over their gifts and offerings...when people enter a church to see God yet can't see God because of the church, don't think for a second that God doesn't react. "Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don't make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won't be applauding" (Matthew 6:1 MSG)." Amen and Amen!!

On a negative note (sorry Mr. Lucado), I did not appreciate the secular culture icon's (Bono) reference of people groups being "an accident of latitude" (page 104). This inclusion and quote was unnecessary and offensive to the believer as it directly contradicts (Psalm 139) God's sovereignty. I give grace in this matter as I believe the author's intentions were not to offend the reader. However, I was offended by the use of that reference.

Lastly, the author's challenge to the reader is brilliantly posed, "We can rise too high but can never stoop too low. What gift are you giving that he did not first give? What truth are you teaching that he didn't first teach? You love. But who loved you first? You serve. But who served the most? What are you doing for God that he could not do alone? How kind of him to use us. How wise of us to remember."

The last chapter does not end without giving the reader more tools to fulfill Ephesians 2:10. Mr. Lucado includes quite a meaty Discussion & Action Guide.

I highly recommend this work to all who have an interest in doing what all true believers in Christ are called to do as mandated in Matthew 25:34-36. This book is not only uplifting and inspiring but also convicting.

In the author's words, "None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone. And when we help them, we serve Jesus. Who would want to miss a chance to do that?"

Amen and Amen. Buy this book and by doing so help others. Then get out there and Outlive Your Life!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Book Sneeze Review: The Jesus You Cannot Ignore by John MacArthur

5 of 5 Stars Awarded
The Jesus You Can't Ignore by John MacArthur

This annointed, Holy Spirit-led work by John MacArthur was about informing and challenging the reader to not only understand the bold confrontations of Christ but to ponder His example and do the same as mandated in their own dealings with others. Scripture was laced throughout the book to support the argument that Jesus Christ did indeed have righteous anger and did call out sin in many places other than the Temple. I enjoyed the Prologue as well as the Epilogue. I did not merely scan those two documents but I devoured each sentence and argument.

As every Christian non-fiction book review I enter the process with the sole question, "What does the Bible have to say about this or that?" This book nailed each point made with solid doctrine and Scripture references. The author obviously respects the Word of God - - all of it. This fact is evidenced by the inclusion of not just one or two Bible references in a point made but often four or five. I do enjoy going back into the Old Testament and learning about the Judaic Law and how it relates to the New Testament. This book was quiet generous with laying the Biblical foundation in order to dismiss "old" ways of thinking or "myths" that our culture has come to preach as Gospel.

I learned much about why many Jewish persons today still do not believe the New Testament applies to them even though Jesus fulfilled many OT prophesies during the time He walked among the people.  I now understand the Jewish culture better as the historical and biblical landscape for the reasons they did what they did. I learned alot about the spiritual blindness that existed though they saw the miracles and witnessed Jesus fulfilling prophecy firsthand! I enjoyed learning more about Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. What hope we have for others to come to Christ though we do not see so many outward signs of them doing so!!

This book is a meal and the reader needs to shut out all other distractions so as not to lose even one concept as presented by Mr. MacArthur. There were times I was reading this book and I would not be in the frame of mind to fully gleam the truths presented. If you do want the rich teaching and fact-finding that this book contains you may want to read it slowly, highlighter in hand in a quiet place. I do not believe this book is necessarily the book you want to take to the beach for a relaxing, feel good, get-away-from-it-all read. But it is so much more! It is a book I will keep in my library. I don't plan on lending it out for fear of not getting it back as I have made notations and highlights and scribbles all over the place. But I will buy this book for loved ones and those seeking to confront others with the love of Christ.

I have a few Pharisaic friends that would benefit from this amazingly convicting book. And if they do not read the entire book I will pray they do read the Epilogue. Especially starting on page 202 the section entitled Walking As He Walked. I thoroughly enjoyed those five pages leading up to A Final Word From Christ.

The paragraph on page 206 that made me shout "Hooray!" was and I quote: "As we have seen throughout this book, the popular notion that conflict is always to be avoided is simply wrong. There are times when we must be confrontative rather than collegial. "For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped" (Titus 1:10-11). If you wince at that or think there's no way such an aggressive attitude could possibly be a sanctified response to doctrinal error in a postmodern culture, you need to review and rethink what the entire New Testament says about false teachers and how Christians should respond to them - especially from Jesus' point of view."

Amen and I say Amen! Buy the book. You will be glad you did.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service and would like Christina to review it? If so, please email christina@wordsofgrace.infowith product name, description and msrp and any other information relative to said product. Christina will contact you within two weeks from receipt of contact if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent from Christina. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product aubmission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permissions granted for review of reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in force at discretion of blog administrator and/or all authors related to

Book Sneeze Review: The Prophecy Answer Book by Dr. David Jeremiah

5 of 5 Stars Awarded
This book targeted the current events leading up to The Rapture, The Tribulation, The Antichrist, Second Coming, Millenium and The New Heaven and Earth. Clearly this book was written as a reference mainly for the believer in Christ (Romans 10:9-11). I say this because it was direct in it's focus. The tone was less about teaching and more about stating Truth. There was a section or two appealing to those who have not yet made a decision for Christ which was refreshing and hopefully many will make that decision prior to The Rapture of the Church!

The Pre-Tribulation Theory was discussed solely. Since I personally fall into the Pre-Trib crowd I was quite pleased with this discussion. Post-Tribulation Theory was not mentioned as far as I can recall. I also appreciated the explanation of the difference between Postmillennialism vs. Amillennialism and Premellennialism as explained on pages 170 &171.

After the initial surprise of ripping open the mailer and finding this petite hardback book (I wrongly assumed the book to be a "standard" size chock full of pages), I was quite impressed with this invaluable resource. I refer to it as a resource because of the order and inclusion of Scripture cross-referenced throughout its covers. I fully understand now thanks to this book what the Second Coming of Christ is going to be as well as the Rapture of the Church. Sometimes the order of these last day events can be confusing but Mr. Jeremiah gives a concise yet easy-to-understand explanation of the events. He also provides the order the events will occur as well as the historical and biblical accounts of the Jewish people as fore-told and prophesied in the Bible in the Old Testament. Fascinating to learn more about the Old Testament and what was not included directly about these events.

On page 153 the author included a table titled Rapture/Second Coming Contrasts. This table is quite helpful for the believer especially! In the chapter The New Heaven and The New Earth I especially enjoyed reading about what we will do in Heaven (page 177). Of course this book contained meaty Truths from the Bible which were often hard to swallow but I did take away hope at the end of the book and direction for living victoriously in these evil days. Mr. Jeremiah explained with supporting Scripture references why true Christians do not have to fear death. And hope again in the fact that he gives us 10 things to do as we see the signs of the End Times.

The very last item on his list is Reach The Lost (Jude 21-23 - love it!!!). Oh how I enjoy the last word in a book about Jesus coming back. The last word in this book is Revelation 22:20 which is indeed the last book in the Bible. For that and each and every word in this mini-marvel of a book I give Mr. Jeremiah five stars and a hearty thank you for informing the Body of Christ and speaking on a very hard topic. The Prophecy Answer Book should be in every Christian's personal library for two reasons. One, so they can devour it and refer to it often. Second, because their loved ones may very well find it in their bookcase one day - - after their loved ones have been Raptured. What a gift this book is that no doubt will keep giving for many generations to come...

See commercial review on

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Book Sneeze Review: Plan B by Pete Wilson

See review

This book was about what we do when life does not turn out exactly as we had thought it would. The author refers to this situation as "Plan B" throughout the book. The overall topic was the author Pete Wilson coming alongside his reader in a casual manner, asking many questions and sharing his own struggles with being a Pastor and experiencing Plan B situations in his own life as well as the lives of those he has encountered.

Initially, the whole concept (explained in the trailer) interested me. However, after easing into the book I was disappointed by the author's use of "we" as a broad brush stroke assuming all of his readers relate to each question or situation. I did appreciate some of his personal experiences. For example the story in Chapter 1 of the story of Todd and Angie and their stillborn baby Audrey (Chapter 12) moved me as I related to their struggle with asking God, "Why?" but not getting an answer. The story on page 70 was excellently explained. Page 134 "Bring Your Problems" was a concept I understood. I appreciated the author's honesty about the lack of transparency in the church.

However, there were doctrinal inconsistencies. I appreciated the use of Scripture references but it would have been more beneficial to also include version translation. Because I review each book  from the perspective of "What does the Word of God have to say about this?" I have to question the theology introduced which does not meet up with 1 John 2:20-21. I am reviewing from the pure teachings which come directly from the Bible. Any other perspective ends up focusing solely on "self, which we we know to be the very reason for the Fall in the Garden. 1 Corinthians 15:3.

A sampling of Biblical inconsistencies/questionable content:
* Page 52 just one example of flawed theology. The second paragraph talks about fear and us not being in control and refers to "experts" debating whether we are born with fear or not. This is a mute point. Psalm 139 explains our need to not have to be in control as God is always in control and surrendering to Him will set our fear to rest.Using this example to explain a lot of talk that need not be uttered as we have the Word of God. We can skip all this chatter. Just go to the Word of God not psychology.

* Page 92 Peter Scazzaro's Christian/Catholic Contemplative Meditation theology and quote on page 92 about feelings. Our feelings change but God's Word never does. His method introduces Christian principles delivered by spiritualists. If you want to dine at a "Christian type" buffet - take a bit of this and a bit of that then you may be interested. If so, Google Mr. Scazzaro's books. No thanks.

* Page 102 I quote, "One particular phrase I seemed to hear over and over was this: "God will never give you more than you can handle." It sounds so sweet and biblical., like something my grandmother would have done in needlepoint and hung on the wall in her house. The problem is, nothing could be further from the truth. Where in the world did we get such a whacked theology? Where's that verse in the Bible? Hallucinations 4:32 maybe?" end quote.

I respectfully submit 1 Corinthians 10:13. Man ("self") has re-verbiaged Scripture. When man repackages that which God presented in it's pure form confusion enters. 2 Corinthians 12:7 is then listed along with the Apostle Paul. The problem is that there is a disputing of Philippians 4:13 indirectly but a supporting reference of 2 Corinthians 12:7.

* The author's son's penis was mentioned twice in this book. Possibly this topic was supposed to inject humor, however I did not understand the lesson or the humor in either reference (page 221 with modeling clay and peeing in a public pool in another chapter).

I am not a Theologian by any means, but I have the Holy Spirit, concordance, dictionary and the Word of God to help me see the red flags waving throughout Plan B. If you decide to pursue this book to enjoy some of the content in this book please do so with the wide-eyed perspective of a Berean.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”