I followed the directions on the canister to make hot and cold tea. Holy yum! I preferred the cold tea. Living in South Florida, I am always looking for a refreshing way to hydrate without plain old boring agua by itself. Yes, I also drink plenty of lemon water, but I often have a craving for a sweeter, tastier drink- a change from the same old same old.
What I really appreciated about Republic of Tea's Superflower Watermelon Tea was the subtle flavor of sweet blackberry leaves. I do not like my refresher beverages to be too sweet. This tea had the perfect balance of tart, citrus and slightly sweet.
I also appreciated the inclusion of Stevia, which is a wonderfully healthy sweetener. The taste of watermelon was not as present as I had anticipated, but I viewed this as an opportunity to add a chunk or two to my cold tea instead of my usual slice of lemon.
I know this is kinda silly, but I was surprised to find round tea bags in the canister. Fun! Since this product is only made with sustainable ingredients, I know I can reuse the tea - paper and all, in my worm factory for vermiculture. Thanks Republic of Tea, for not using staples or a string. Less work for me to prepare the red wiggly worm daily meal. Less waste too.
There are 36 tea bags in the canister. The canister is reusable. It is so pretty. The canister has already become a fixture in my kitchen on a bookcase. It sits amongst the seed packets from my garden. I celebrate this product for so many reasons! This is a new product and $1 of each tin purchased will be donated to Action Against Hunger..
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Republic of Tea. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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