I could not wait to post this review because this is truly a product which I cannot stop singing its praises. My first adventure with this 21-day detox system was with the
ClearVite chocolate flavor a year ago. This product is the same product but it is vanilla. The first time I used this product I have to say it was a challenge. There is a food guide which you need to adhere to. Also, the program is like a "ladder" meaning you increase the amount of scoops and then come back down with the amount of scoops as you near the 21-day mark.
I just finished my second go 'round with
ClearVite a month ago. While the food program was so much easier (I had adopted the food plan in my daily life as I felt so much better eating the
ClearVite way) this time, the vanilla was not as good as the chocolate. I know taste is preferential. I had an aftertaste with the vanilla. The chocolate was not sweet but it felt more like a milkshake even when mixed with the same amount of water.
For my program, my doctor again advised we deviate from the standard directions given with this product. As a result, I went through 1 1/2 containers as compared to just using 1 container. My protocol was:
Days 1-4, one shake b4 breakfast.
Days 5-7, one shake b4 breakfast and one b4 dinner.
Days 8-14 one b4 breakfast lunch and dinner.
Days 15-17 one b4 breakfast one b4 dinner.
Day 18-21 one shake b4 breakfast.
One shake = 2 scoops.
I keep the containers as they are food safe and bright white (and I think beautiful!). I fill them with cookies at Christmastime and give as gifts. Why not?
The first 3 days of this detox I felt cranky as my body was eliminating toxins. Midway through I slept so good and I started having more energy. I had more time as well since no more coffee (decaf even) and no wine. I steamed veggies until I could steam no more and then during the no animal proteins I ate even more veggies and enjoyed quinoa as if it were caviar. Needless to say, I lost 8 lbs. and my skin and eyes were clearer (and still are).
ClearVite is a plan and not just a product. With the complexities of my health, I know this detox is a must do item every six months. I have learned that I do not drink enough water or take in enough fiber as during this plan I became constipated quite often (ewwww). I am a firm believer in disciplines in which we take a step back and slow down so that we can reset not only our bodies but our minds as well. And so the first 3 days were my reset days in which I realized that I often forget to take care of this temple God has given me.
I mean, we all get busy and stressed and forget to slow down.
ClearVite is that "You Deserve It" product everyone should enjoy now and then. And you say, How can you enjoy a detox? Call me crazy but I do believe a detox is a discipline and in some way it is enjoyable after you are done. You look back at your hard work and realize you did something difficult and you did not give up.
Invest in your health and choose
ClearVite today!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from OVitaminPro.com I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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