A companion volume to God's Healing Herbs, this book enticed the reader to get out into the wild in search of herbs which God provided for our enjoyment and nourishment. While I already consider dandelion greens (I buy them every Saturday morning at our Boca Downtown Greenmarket) a safe to eat, delicious special herb, there were other herbs I was introduced to that I still may not feel comfortable picking and eating on a hike in another town. For example, another weed named Purslane interested me. Perhaps Dennis Ellingson would like to accompany me on a nature hike through a heavily weeded area so we could pick our salad greens safely? For I would so love to become a forager and live to tell and teach about it!!!
Precious and really appreciated were the recipes threaded throughout this very special book. Sarah Campbell shared her Chickweed Pesto recipe on page 39. Complete with kelp, walnuts, garlic, evoo, salt, parmesan cheese, black pepper (and chickweed of course!), I found this recipe clever. I do not believe my Italian husband would miss the basil for even a minute! Now, where do I find chickweed? Oh that's right - the author told me. It grows in my front yard in early spring. I quote, "Another name for the plant is winterweed" because it really begins its largest growth spurt during the fall, through winter and then, bang, come spring and the stuff is all over the place." As if we needed another good reason to discontinue our lawn pesticide service forever!
The photos were very helpful. Kit Ellingson took the photos for which we applaud her courage as she climbed through all things green and buggy to get the perfect shots. I enjoyed the beauty on each and every page.
Author Dennis Ellingson can be found on Facebook as
The Herb Guy. He is also a Pastor and family man. I appreciated
God's Wild Herbs and hope to bravely search for and successfully find some of the wild herbs presented. I know I would be in good company with other foragers four legged and other. God is so good to give us His creation. We just need to go out and enjoy it! Thank you Dennis Ellingson for an inspirational guide book to wild herbs!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Cladach Publishing as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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