Thanks to Jan Rons, Assistant Controller at Similasan, I was able to review this Similasan product. I chose this product over the Computer Eye Drops because my CVS unfortunately did not carry all of Similisan's products.
I just recently realized the value of taking better care of my eyes and the pain and suffering which results when one ignores good eye health. Not a fun lesson to learn but one I will not soon forget. What drew me to Similisan at first was the fact that I got a stye in one eye. I googled so many natural home remedies. I planned to use an eye product to reduce the pain and swelling as I treated my stye eye with a warm chamomile teabag three times per day (yes, it worked and I avoided the dreaded eye doctor with the tiny needle and big spotlight on his head).
I was shocked when I approached the pharmacist at the CVS to ask her if this product was the strongest for inflammation control when battling a stye. She told me to put the product down and go right to the doctor. I learned a lot that day. I learned that Similisan Stye Relief Drops are not meant to cure your stye. But my oh my did that product work in helping me to receive relief as I broke down the resistance of the stye.
Because I am and have been for awhile, a big advocate for natural products and home remedies when possible, I called Similasan to thank them for their product and to let them know that CVS was doing them a disservice by discouraging me from buying it and also for not being more open-minded to homeopathic, natural alternatives to health. Why carry a product or two that is homeopathic if your "expert" is just going to disrespect and discriminate against what it is designed to do? I thought Similisan deserved to know the treatment I was given at my particular CVS at the Fifth Avenue Shops in Boca Raton, Florida. No wonder so many in my neighborhood just go straight to Whole Foods. But it should not be like that as good natural health should be a choice in any drugstore. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Be Your Own Health Advocate
I hope and pray that as many more experience victory with home remedies and natural products such as Irritated Eye Relief that the big box stores in the US will support natural products as an alternative to western medicine. For that reason, I asked to receive a free product for review. I can say without any bias, that I wholeheartedly recommend these products not only for adults but children ages two and older as well.
The Irritated Eye Relief is a wonderful travel companion to remove environmental pollutants while traveling or going through your day. And unlike the Stye Relief Drops, this eye drop I did not see in the directions that they recommend using all the product within 30 days or discarding so you may want to keep one of these in your bathroom and one in your purse - just in case.
This company knows what they are doing. This Swiss company has been manufacturing homeopathic products for over 30 years. Check them out online I plan to try all the products. After all, they say your eyes are the windows to your soul. Beautiful inside, beautiful outside. Why not? Natural, affordable and the best part of all - these drops work. Thank you Similasan!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from Similisan Corporation USA for independent review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
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