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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Immuno PRP Spray by NuMedica from

I recently reviewed Immuno PRP Powder by NuMedica. That product was a new find for me recommended by my doctor. Upon my recent wellness checkup, my doctor and I discussed me eliminating casein from my diet while I did the 21- day Clearvite Detox. I wondered if casein could be the culprit for some of my allergies such as runny nose in the morning (just after taking my Immuno PRP Powder. Immuno PRP Powder contains casein).

My doctor recommended this handy 5 oz. spray as it does not contain casein. I could not sing its praises more! My symptoms went away during my 21 day detox. However, I did eliminate all dairy products and whey also during those 21 days, so I knew I had to re-introduce casein after the 21 Day detox to see if casein was ever really an issue.

Immuno PRP Spray would give me some immune help but not as much as the powder. For this reason my doctor advised that if I began to have an autoimmune flareup I would need to not just take 4 sprays in the morning and at night, but also take 4 sprays in the afternoon until I felt better (I did have a flareup of a cold just after starting the spray, but I took my doctor's advise and felt much better in just two days time.)

I find the spray convenient and much easier to spray than scoop powder into water and mix. 

I am grateful to as I did not realize I was supposed to spray into my mouth and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Not sure of the benefit of doing this, but I will now wait 30 seconds before swallowing! 

I realized after comparing these two seemingly similar products that even with my doctor's help advising what I need and when, I still need to be educated about what I am putting into my body. Having the knowledge about the product allows me to question and learn more so that I can become an active participant with my doctor to achieve my best health ever.

I did contact NuMedica prior to posting this entry because I wanted to be accurate about my comparison of the powder and the spray. Unfortunately, I cannot say that the manufacturer was excited to inform me about the difference of both products. However, Mary from put a call in to the manufacturer. I was quite comforted by this as is my go to and a safe place for me to get accurate product information. They care! NuMedica is a cutting edge company and I am not knocking them at all, just a disappointed customer of their brand because I did not get the answers I had been seeking from them.

Mary and Dan are willing to go the long haul with the customer. Being a part of their organization as a customer and guest blogging for them makes me feel part of an exciting family of health conscious, forward thinking minds. I am so happy to be a part of an organization which has the passion and expertise to come alongside me in my wellness journey! I know I can go to them with any questions first before going to the manufacturer. I also know I will get my questions answered thoroughly. This is priceless!

Visit them today and check out Immuno PRP Spray!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

HCI-Ease by Biotics Research from

Workout. Some may consider this word anathema. I do not. I consider this word just as important as the air I breathe, a blessing, a necessity, a vacation for limbs in need of stretching and the solution for stiff joints which are screaming for movement.

2015 was a year-long detox. My year consisted of gluten purging, blood testing and being flat on my back and sick to my stomach for days on end. Finally being cleared by my doc to workout again, I tried to swim in my morning Masters workout after not swimming for 8 months. What was worse than being out of breath and feeling like my limbs were licorice was the fact that I had heartburn. Really bad. The heartburn actually started within a minute of becoming horizontal in the water. This fact was hard for me to accept because I had just become victorious in defeating leaky gut, excessive candida and acid reflux.

Defeated, I stood at the end of the lane. I was not only weak and feeling like this was my first day ever working out in the water, but I also was frustrated because of the burning in the pit of my stomach. This unpleasant burning kept me from getting back in shape. I could not concentrate and I left the pool early that day.

Needless to say, I emailed my doctor as soon as I got home (he is so wonderful to help me via email when I need a bit of advice) and he told me about HCI-Ease by Biotics Research.

I reached out to and Jennifer helped me and soon I had this amazing product in hand. I took only 1 capsule (per doctor's orders) before my workout with a banana and a handful of nuts and some almond milk mixed with a scoop of pea protein.

Ahhhh! No heartburn or even a hint of heartburn. Success! I was able to do my workout and not worry that my stomach would let me down. This product contains a Proprietary Blend that I feel would be great not only pre-workout but every now and then to feel good! Also it is gluten and dairy free which gluten free is a necessity for me nowadays but dairy free is a real bonus!

There is a warning on the bottle which states 'Not recommended for those with salicylate intolerance'. I do not have that issue. One great aspect (among many) is that Dr. Dan at is on standby to answer questions such as this. If you do not even know what salicylate intolerance means and you have issues with heartburn during a workout and want to workout - then Ask Dr. Dan! If you click the name of the product you are interested in, and then go to the tab Ask Dr. Dan next to the Product Label you can click on the Ask A Question icon and ask anything you want to know about that product and how it may help you!

I am blessed to have a doctor whom I can consult with but I also very much appreciate getting advise from Dr. Dan and Mary at! I love hearing different views about different supplements. I gather all the information and make my best choice!

HCI-Ease is also very helpful if I wake up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache. I have been having stomach aches lately due to my Clearvite Detox. I am still navigating my way through the Preparation Phase and since my body is screaming for dairy (quit it cold turkey) my stomach has been waking me up in rebellion. I like the HCI-Ease in the middle of the night because unlike Betaine HCI I do not have to eat something with it. I just roll over in bed, grab 1 capsule and I am back counting sheep in no time!

I am so grateful to live in a country where these wonderful supplements and aids are readily available! I will never take for granted the fact that I am surrounded by knowledgeable, helpful, health-minded people! The folks at have been so good to me.

Please visit today. And if you do not see what you are looking for - ask Dr. Dan! Whether you are getting ready to climb Mt. Olympus, swim the Adriatic Sea or are gearing up for the Skinny Jean Workout with Booya Fitness - you will enjoy the journey after taking HCI-Ease by Biotics Research!! Workout = a wonderful word! Embrace it today with no heartburn!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Monday, February 15, 2016 GlutenFlam by Apex Energetics

I am allergic to gluten. Not sensitive. Allergic. I asked my doctor what I can do when I eat out and worry about eating a salad which has come in contact with gluten (yes, that is all I feel safe eating out these days). He told me about GlutenFlam by Apex Energetics. I keep this amazing product in my purse, have a bottle in the car and I also keep a bottle at home.

I am supposed to take 1 before a meal if I feel I may be contaminated and then if I know I have been contaminated to take two after the contamination event. Being new to this gluten allergy existence, I made the mistake of eating out 3 times in restaurants which claimed to offer a "gluten free choice". I ate french fries at Chick Fil A because I was told they were gluten free. Within moments I felt that tingly feeling which led to a racing heart and then that scary feeling like my body is a bit detached from my brain. If you are allergic to gluten you understand this strange and uncomfortable feeling. I did not have the GlutenFlam with me. Big mistake.

I ate a "gluten free" lunch at Ruby Tuesday and upon walking back to the car Bam! that tingly feeling and then the strange sick feeling which I had experienced at Chik Fil A. I did not have GlutenFlam with me that day either. Big mistake.

Fool me once. Fool me twice. But three times? Yeah. I  had one last experience on vacation. I had spinach and eggs with onions. Obviously it was prepared on a cook top which had gluten because I suffered again. I now know my body and I respect and trust how it feels!

The problem in all 3 of these scenarios is that I caused my body to have 6 months of gluten in my system. If I  had the GlutenFlam with me I would have done my body good by being preventive. I would still have to pay for price of cross contamination but it would have been wise to take the GlutenFlam and I would not have felt sick immediately after or the next day.

Unfortunately, the world we live in does not understand gluten free at all. A restaurant cannot have gluten free food unless the entire restaurant purges every bit of gluten in it and has not prepared gluten on a cook top or pan - ever.

My local pizzeria proudly advertises "Gluten Free Pepperoni Pizza" and yet cooks the pizza in the same pizza oven, next to the man throwing the gluten flour in the air and cuts the "gluten free" pizza with the same pizza cutter as the gluten pizza. This is so unfair to those of us who become very sick when exposed to gluten. I believe our country should be better at regulating the restaurant industry as this is a gross misrepresentation of a very serious allergy. It hurts those of us who cannot tolerate gluten in any form.

I know gluten has been a trend but it is time we educate others. One person at a time needs to know that this allergy is the same as a nut or shrimp allergy. It is that serious. I try and not get frustrated when others minimize my plight. "Oh just eat some bread! Just this one time. Is it really that serious?!" Walk a day in my shoes....

I highly recommend GlutenFlam as essential for every person who suffers from gluten allergy. I do take one GlutenFlam when I am feeling run down or have become slightly constipated. The stool does change to a lighter clay color and is a bit softer y (tmi). I feel better instantly. Doing this for my body reminds me of my month gluten detox my doctor advised. I now know that this clay colored looser stool from my gluten detox is what I need to achieve every once in a while to stay healthy, GlutenFlam helps me to do maintenance in an easy and pleasant way. I feel so much better afterward as I know my body had been holding some gluten or remnants of gluten or other foods I am allergic to.

I consider this product as not only prevention but maintenance. I will live a much healthier life because of it. It is necessary to my health and well being. I am grateful for my doctor for telling me about it. And I am appreciative of as it is just a few mouse clicks away and ships it to you free 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Designs For Health Emulsi-D3 Synergy by

Emulsi-D3 Synergy by Designs For Health is another exciting product which my doctor advised as an essential component of my Wellness Plan! I have always thought that since I am in the sun often with my husband on the boat that even I was getting enough of this sunshine vitamin. I "heard" I needed to stay in the sun 15-20 minutes without sunblock to absorb the Vitamin D effectively. I did that for years and just assumed living in sunny South Florida was enough for me to skip this vitamin (other than in a multivitamin I used to take).

My doctor wisely explained the need for me to take this product for life. At first, I gagged on the taste. He told me to double the dosage (1 mil which is 1 dropper is considered a serving). I tried and tried but the syrupy sweet fruity product was not good. I told my doctor about my unpleasant struggle to swallow this "supplement". He told me he enjoyed the taste and consistency. I told him he was crazy. We had a good laugh and then he proceeded to sing the praises of this Designs For Health essential product,

First, it is gluten free. It contains K1 and K2. My understanding of K1 is that it serves as an anticoagulant. K1 is available in leafy green vegetables. However, word on the street is that our bodies only absorb about 10% of K from the leafy green veggies we eat.

K2 can be absorbed from cheese and aids in cardiovascular health. K2 appears to improve vascular blood flow to the brain. This is personal to me, as my dad first suffered Parkinson's and now has Alzheimer's. He did not have to be a victim of either disease and now with what my doctor has shared with me - I will not have to have dementia later in life. I am empowered and committed to spending the time and energy (as well as $$) on prevention.

I did call Designs For Health because I was concerned about the source of Vitamin E ( I am allergic to Alpha Tocopherol). The Vitamin E is sourced from palm. Great news!

With the above benefits in mind, I did find a solution to the gagilicious (being honest) flavor and consistency of Emulsi-D3 Synergy. Since I need to take this product at night (you take the oily/fatty supplements with the fattiest meal of the day), I take it at the end of my meal with seltzer water. I drop two droppers at the back of my throat and then slug down seltzer water. Better! The fizz somehow distracted me from the taste and now ingesting is doable!

Not every product I review is 100% pleasant or effective. However, the benefits far outweigh the negative aspects of this product. I also appreciate that I can reuse this bottle as the label peels off easily. I use the bottle for my homemade remedies and give as gifts as well. Recycling with purpose....

Designs For Health is an amazing company and I am so pleased to invest in this supplement each month. Emulsi-D3 Synergy does a body good!

For more information

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Thursday, January 14, 2016

NuMedica ImmunoG PRP from

Perfect timing to review this truly wonderful product! Since flu season has officially arrived, I can confidently state that I have been empowered to stay healthy this winter thanks to my doctor! I was just diagnosed with autoimmune deficiency symptoms. I had been advised to take one scoop of NuMedica ImmunoG PRP in the morning with my breakfast and one in the evening with dinner. This is a product I will enjoy for life. It is as essential to my well being as clean water.

I had been getting Bronchitis every year and did not know why until now. My condition allows my body to get sick quickly because my body does not have a strong immune defense against stressors whether it be germs or environmental stressors.

When I asked my doctor about flu season, he smiled and said, "Take a scoop of ImmunoG PRP at lunch too until you feel the tiredness, sore throat and/or runny nose is gone!" No drugs or cough syrup for me! I can happily announce that this year I have not gotten Bronchitis or been home sick even one time.

In laywoman's terms, the reason this product is essential in my daily health regime is because my body needed (and always will since I have autoimmune deficiency symptoms) enhancement of immune activity which is achieved by promoting the production of cytokines. If you google IgG and cytokines you will get a better understanding of the value of this product for an autoimmune deficiency challenged person.

This product can be mixed into a smoothie or mixed in filtered water. I actually enjoy the taste of it now because I know I am taking good care of the body God gave me every time I drink it. I started to feel what my husband and I refer to as "the grip" a few weeks ago. I upped the ImmunoG PRP at lunch for 3 days and soon felt wonderful again!

This canister of  bulk powder comes with a scoop and you can add more or less depending on what your doctor advises. Of course because I am allergic to gluten, I had to have a gluten free product. ImmunoG PRP is pure bovine colostrum and contains milk. It is also hormone, antibiotic, and rBST free. It is low heat processed which means it is filled with goodness. 

Two ingredients I wish this manufacturer would lose are sugar and cholesterol. But, of course I do not know the scientific necessity of having sugar and cholesterol in this essential immune and cytokine system support so this fact does not factor into my review.

I saved the best for last! I enjoy a reward from and save each month when I have 2 of these essential items shipped to me every month! I smile when I see the email from OvitaminPro arrive in my Inbox each month which says You've Been Rewarded!

The cost from is the best I have found online and picks up the tab for shipping. Icing on the gluten free cake is that this item usually ships within 1 business day. Convenience and savings I do not take for granted these days. 

I am blessed to have the guidance of my doctor but if you are currently not sure if this product is the best fit for your health regime, you can Ask Dr. Dan! Just click on the tab which says Ask Dr. Dan. Then click Ask A Question. How easy is that?! Happy Flu Season everyone!

 Shop here

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thyroxal K-12 By Apex Energetics from

This year my doctor advised blood testing and adrenal testing (a saliva test) as well as food allergy testing. I receivved the news that I was allergic to gluten and soy as well as tapioca (which is the main flour substitute in all gluten free breads and products ie. Mellow Mushroom pizza). I also was told I had Hypothyroidism. 

Relieved was I on my initial diagnosis to find out that I did not have to go the Armor Thyroid route or other! My doctor advised 2 capsules of Thyroxal K-12 every meal (along with Digestive Enzymes). Since there are 90 capsules in each bottle I would need 9 per day. Do the math = cha ching!

I bought the first 2 bottles from my doctor that day and then at my next appointment I planned on stocking up again as I had a monthly appointment. Imagine my disappointment when I was told that they were out of stock and I would have to wait 5-7 business days to receive them! And on top of this - I would need to come back to the office to pick them up (which is 30 minutes in traffic from my house).

Needless to say, obediently I waited. The next month the same sad excuse and inconvenience. I waited the second time a lot longer than 5-7 business days. And my hair started falling out! Yes it did. 

Shame on me if made the same mistake again. I searched and found PTL! I called because the website said I needed to call the first time for a consultation. I spoke with a friendly person who was kind and who explained to me a lot about the availability of these supplements. Never again would I run out and she shared that this item could be shipped to my front door - with free shipping nevertheless!

I have since combined this supplement with my other supplements in one convenient autoship from Wonderfully convenient and less $!

Thyroxal K-12 does have a Blend of: 38.5 mg of Betaine HCI but as I already mentioned, my doctor advised I needed to take 2 of Digestzymes by Designs For Health with every meal along with the Thyroxal.

Also appreciated is that this item is gluten and soy free. It is bovine and does not have Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol (which my body does not tolerate).

I have lost 20 lbs. since taking Thyroxal. This combined with managing my now known food allergies allows me to  feel better. My hair is no longer brittle or falling out. I did not need to go on a medication and I am glad I did not take a prescription before going to my doctor. He told me that we would not have been able to treat my Hypothyroidism with Thyroxal if I had taken Thyroid Armor or similar drug prior to coming to him for treatment.

If you are struggling with Hypothyroidism symptoms, do not suffer like I did. If you do not have your own doctor who specializes in Thyroid Disease like I did, please reach out to Dr. Dan! You can Ask Dr. Dan about this product today

We are on the cusp of a New Year! Start 2016 with good health and a knowledge of how to feel better! I am glad I did and I am doubly glad is  helping me save on my supplements!

For more information

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from for purpose of review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Adrenastim by Apex Energetics from

In my recent one year commitment to better health, my doctor included this item in my health care (drug free) protocol. I saw another Adrenastim on The one prescribed for me is KR-72 and the other is KR-15. You do not need a prescription for this item. However, it is very important that you do receive counsel. 

I was excited to post this review because this item was not the easiest to figure out how to use. My doctor told me to "pump" a quarter-sized amount in the morning before coffee and then just before lunch. Looking back now, It would have been a good idea if I had shown him what my interpretation of a quarter-sized pump looked like. As it turned out, I had been pumping much less than I needed the first 5 months omg). I felt like I had wasted my efforts as I did not receive the benefit like I could have had I been using the correct amount from Day 1). After increasing the pump size, I started getting hot flashes and racing thoughts long into the night. I was actually then using too much!

Figuring out what was causing these uncomfortable symptoms was an inconvenience because I had just started several new supplements and was detoxing for leaky gut syndrome. I had to experiment with the process of elimination. It was the high amount of product along with another adrenal support supplement I had been taking that caused the hot flashing and racing thoughts into the night. We finally found the right amount and schedule.

I did not mind the slight smell but I did get a rash on my arms because I was not taking turns applying to the inside of my legs. The rash went away pretty quickly.

Just last month, the hot flashes and night sweats returned. I was a pro now at knowing how my body was reacting to this product. I emailed my doctor and he told me that my body had announced that my adrenals were now 100% happy (he didn't actually say that but it was my interpretation).

I feel more confident and less anxious after using Adrenastim. If you have adrenal fatigue, you know how easily you can go from calm to anxious. I know now when I do feel the stress coming on that I can take a moment and breathe deep, get away from the stressful situation if possible and take care of myself. If I cannot get away even for a moment I know that my body will now be able to handle the adrenaline rush which used to cause me to panic and be light headed quite easily.

There is so much to love about this product! I truly appreciate the ingredients (see below).  Gluten free too which is my new reality.

What I enjoy about shopping with is that if my doctor is not available, I can consult with Dr. Dan will be my go-to for all of the specialty supplements I need. I will never have to wait for these products to become available at my doctor's office(inconvenient) and I can save a trip(saves time + $)! I also like that a customized Autoship system can be set up for me each month. Oh and did I tell you I get money back in rewards?

Though I am not taking this product anymore, it is comforting to know that if I did need it, it would just be a phone call or an order away! Adrenastim has made my life more pleasant and has been the catalyst to making my health dreams convenient and less costly!

Ingredients: AdrenaStim-SE Facts: Tyrosine, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Phosphatidylserine, Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng), Avena sativa (Oat), Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Arnica montana, Medicago sativa (Alfalfa), Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile), Ribes nigrum (Black Currant), Betula pubescens (White Birch), Quercus robur (English Oak), Sequoia giganteum, Holly flower water, Impatiens flower water, Clematis flower water, Oak flower water, Olive flower water, Elm flower water, Hornbeam flower water, Vervain flower water, Lavender oil, Grapefruit oil, Sweet orange oil. Cream Base: Aqua (Deionized Water), Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) Seed oil, Alcohol, Glycerin, Citrus fruit extract, Glyceryl stearate, Polyethylene glycol, Stearic acid, Cetyl alcohol, Stearyl alcohol, Tromethamine, Polysorbate 80, Sorbic acid, Salicylic acid, Carbomer. 

For more information please visit

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product free from I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Are you a manufacturer of a product or currently market a service? Christina will review it! Email with product name, description and manufacturer's suggested retail price along with any other information relative to said product. You will receive a response via email within two weeks if product will be reviewed. Please note not all products will be considered reviewable. Please do not send products without prior consent. Note: Products sent for review will not be returned. Product submission authorizes consent for said product to remain in sole possession of recipient. No monies shall be exchanged for product submission nor permission granted for reviews prior to submission. Reviews shall remain effective and in full force at sole discretion of blog administrator and/or authors related to