|  A Warm Blanket for Your Chilly Soul, April 8, 2010 Truly this author understands coming alongside her reader and sharing her heart in an openly transparent way. Sheila Walsh has done an amazing job in encouraging her audience which is clearly women.
I enjoy a direct - "down-to-earth" read. However, this work is anything but simple. Sheila Walsh incorporates the Bible in each and every chapter. She relates her experiences with wisdom and a peppering of humor. Her writing style leaves the door open for the reader to relate and form their own opinions of what she is sharing.
But don't misunderstand - everything she says is under-girded with the Pure Word of God. No gray areas - no muddy water to wade through. She delivers God's Truth straight up!
One criticism I had (because I am also a writer) is this book could have been edited for correct spelling of numerous words. One example is the word "Crucifixion" was misspelled as "crucifiction." Misspelling that word is tragic as the misspelled word contracts the meaning of the word, which is so important.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I will not soon forget it. Whenever I see a swing I will think of Sheila Walsh. I appreciate her boldness and honesty. I related so much to her struggles with fear, public speaking and being haunted at times with the past. But like Sheila, I have the Lord and know nothing will ever keep me from growing in Christ - and swinging higher and higher..until either my Lord Jesus Christ comes back to get me or I am called to my eternal Home - Heaven. Kudos to Sheila Walsh for reminding me that this is not my final resting place!!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers sent me a free copy of this book as part of their bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." |
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