Biodynamic Heirloom Chamomile by The Republic of Tea
The 1.5 oz canister of Biodynamic Heirloom Chamomile steeps 36 cups of tea. However, I like my nighttime tea strong so that it can replace my melatonin and urge me onward to bed early for some deep zzz's. This tea did not disappoint. I poured just about 9 oz of boiling purified water over 2 round (love round tea bags) unbleached tea bags. I steeped the full 7 minutes with a glass dome over the top so that my tea would still be steamy when I was ready to sip (hey - we crank the A/C high here in South Florida in June!). I added honey just before sipping. Ahhh...breathe in the health.
My husband and I have made a habit of enjoying hot tea before bed. We chew on some fennel seed while the kettle boils for our steamy tea. Often I will make him green or white tea. I drink whatever tea I fancy at the moment.
One night, I substituted The Republic of Tea Biodynamic Heirloom Chamomile for him without telling him. He mentioned while he was sipping this tea that he really liked our tradition of drinking hot tea before bed. He mentioned how good this tea was. I did not tell him I swapped out his old usual green or white for a sleepier version. I smiled when we headed off early to bed and soon after heard him snoring.
Best of all, (and even better than inducing a sleep state) this tea is grown on a small 100-acre organic garden at the base of the Italian Alps. Someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure this tea was truly organic (and it is!). As if that were not enough to make me want to stock my entire tea box with Biodynamic Heirloom Chamomile....while we were sleeping, these tea leaves were being harvested at night when their essential oils are at their peak. Kind of an ironic twist on an amazing tea. Someone in Italy is working hard long into the night to provide me and my hubby with a tea that can send us to bed early. Mmm -- this tea is the only sleepy tea for me!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from The Republic of Tea. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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