I enjoyed the forthright style of writing throughout the book. Page 18
provided an excellent list.This list gave Scripture to support our
unrealized identity in Christ. This is a list I will refer to often.
Author Monty Kline threaded nuggets of gold such as this list throughout. There
were sections at the end of each chapter for further discussion and
thought, which would be invaluable for a small group environment. The
Notes section also a nice touch and an excellent point of reference.
The second paragraph of the Introduction in Face To Face in my understanding was the mission statement for the entire book. So important for the reader to read the Introduction, as the Introduction was clearly an exhortation to become more personal with God.
Face To Face provided quotes from famous Christians. I enjoyed Larry Crabb's quote (page 36) as well as the author's journal entries from previous Personal Retreats. I enjoyed the journal entries and very much related to what Mr. Kline shared. The writer clearly had a way of allowing me to feel that I was his friend, and his encouragement and gentle prodding to for me to pursue a personal retreat was quite endearing. His soft humor did not escape me and I appreciated his interesting comments throughout the book.
One criticism was I would rather not have to read Rick Warren's quotes (see Church of Tares).
My biggest takeaway were "Track 5 Moments". I quote, "Track 5 Moments are noiseless moments, moments when God's voice shouts from his creation. They are intense, almost Edenic moments when your connection with God is unhindered-when you are "face to face". Personal Retreats invite you to Track 5 Moments." Sign me up!!!
More about Monty Kline
received Christ as my Savior while in college in the late 60's -- about
45 years ago. I have been connected with Christian ministry, more or
less, since then, beginning with six years as a staff member with Campus
Crusade for Christ, serving as an elder in my church, serving as a
guest preacher, teaching men's Bible studies for many years, doing
biblically based seminars on health and nutrition, etc. I currently
attend Grace Bible Church in Bend, Oregon. I'm more doctrinally
orthodox than about 99% of the professed Christians around!
health practice, Pacific Health Center, is oriented around biblical
principles of health, as reflected in my various books including BODY,
MIND & HEALTH. I also write the Historic Faith Blog on theological
issues at historicfaith.wordpress.com.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Intermedia Publishing Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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